ICEX GROUP and the UN SDGs: Goal #9

ICEX GROUP and the UN SDGs: Goal #9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

ICEX GROUP are part of the UN Global Compact - and they have defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which outline areas businesses can focus on to achieve a better world - for people and the planet - by 2030 (and beyond)!

While all the goals are something we at least indirectly support, a few of the 17 stood out for us and today’s one we wanted to focus on is #9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

This one is extremely important to us - both directly and indirectly.

Directly - as we ourselves look to improve our services, looking out for innovations in the industry that make our job more impactful and/or more efficient. Of course, innovation is a huge part of the growth and improvement of any industry and how we manage and reduce E-Waste especially.

Indirectly - how easy IT Assets are to reuse and, if necessary, recycle. This needs to become a fundamental part of the design and manufacture of all IT Assets. This is arguably more important overall due to the huge implications across all industries. Manufacturers and designers need to be considering the circular economy from the very beginning. Our job, and specifically our ideal objective of reviving the technology for reuse (only recycling when necessary), is greatly impacted by both the manufacturers and the IT departments where the tech has come from.

We also support the overarching goal of helping developing economies for a more egalitarian world; we need to band together to help the tech industry reduce its problematic waste - for the sake of the planet and especially for those countries where waste is dumped and causes serious environmental issues.

Of course, by this point, it goes without saying that we still need to cut carbon emissions across practically all industries. When technology avoids landfill, it helps to reduce the greenhouse gases leaked from any harmful chemicals and materials that can be found in E-Waste.

For a free consultation about any of our services, or to have a chat about how we can help your organisation promote the circular economy to help people, the planet and your business, contact the ICEX team today:


📞 01376 503900

ICEX GROUP’s mission is to securely revive or relocate, and if necessary, recycle all our clients’ technology assets, to help achieve digital equality, and reduce E-waste to landfill.


Testimonial: The Supreme Court UK


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