ICEX GROUP and the UN Global Compact SDGs: Goal #11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

This goal is pretty huge - it covers a lot - as around 56% (4.4 billion) of the human population lives in cities! This is expected to grow - a lot - as urban populations increase faster than rural due to higher population densities. This means by 2050 around 70% of the earth’s population is expected to be in cities.

So … it is quite apparent that it’s crucial to figure out ways to help cities be more sustainable to benefit the poorest communities and the environment. Of course, all communities around the world need support - so the goal covers basically every human on earth. A lot of what this goal is focussing on is reducing poverty in communities.

This goal has direct and indirect connections to what ICEX GROUP does.

We understand that when it comes to survival food, shelter, clothing, community etc are more important than having access to technology - and, of course, we want a world where those essential basics are accessible to everyone - but, from there, we want to see a world where technologies become far more accessible.

One of the ways of achieving this is by using the circular economy principle of reuse. Securely data wiping a hard drive on a machine with software that is as effective as physically shredding the hard drive for data security is really important to achieve reuse, and avoid recycling. When we avoid shredding and go for reuse it allows us to put the machine back into the market at a very affordable price, whilst it retains its functionality!

This is one way we can help achieve digital equity as people will have more and more access to equipment at good prices - and, of course, it is fantastic for the environment in comparison to recycling and obviously way better than landfilling.

In general, keeping a city sustainable means not allowing it to become overrun with waste. In the West, we are probably a bit out of touch with the impact of waste on cities - especially as we have shipped so much waste abroad.

ICEX GROUP's part in waste management specifically focuses on E-waste but we know we all have to look at every waste stream - from textiles and fashion to agriculture and food - to keep our cities and communities sustainable.

For a conversation about any of our services, or to have a chat about how we can help your organisation promote the circular economy to help people, the planet and your organisation, contact the ICEX team today:


📞 01376 503900

ICEX GROUP’s mission is to securely revive or relocate, and if necessary, recycle all our clients’ technology assets, to help achieve digital equality, and reduce E-waste to landfill.


World Environment Day - Wed 5th June


Keep Britain Tidy’s Updated Waste Hierarchy