ICEX GROUP and the UN Global Compact
Why did we join the world’s largest sustainability network for better and more ethical business practices, the UN Global Compact?
We support the 10 universal principles and the 17 sustainable development goals - focusing primarily on environmental impact and sustainability in tech, especially avoiding landfill.
The 10 universal principles fall under 4 main categories: Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
In the Environment category, where ICEX has the greatest direct impact, there are 3 principles:
Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
This is a great time to mention Zanshuri who “design and build some of the most energy efficient laptops and server computers in the world.”
Please find a link to their website below.
Sanda Ojiambo, CEO and Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact, said in her letter to UNGC participants: “In 2025, I call on all participants to accelerate your engagement with our global sustainability movement. This call to action is clear: we must all move forward much faster to meet the pace and scale the future requires. The needs are unprecedented, but so are the opportunities.”
Sometimes sustainability as a conversation can be daunting, and even scary, so it is good to see the opportunities mentioned. The issue with waste isn’t just the damage but the fact that it is waste - i.e. wasted resources.
This is why at ICEX GROUP we fully support and promote the wonderful, practicable idea of the circular economy.
For more on this, please see our white paper on LinkedIn here:
And, for more on what companies like ICEX do and why they are important for the circular economy, here:
Please see more about the UNGC and the 10 principles here:
For the 17 SDGs, see here:
To see what Zanshuri has to offer, see here: