How Sustainable is Your Server Management?

Data Centres and Server Rooms are arguably what make the modern online world go around. They are important, but they use a lot of power. It is estimated that server rooms will reach 3-4% of global energy consumption by 2030 and are already around 2-3% if you include cryptocurrency mining and other types of server farms/data centres.

On top of handling general energy consumption, Data Centres need to manage their handling of redundant equipment - so it’s best they use partners that avoid landfill and try to reuse as much of the technology as possible.

If you are interested in why managing your servers in a sustainable way is growing in popularity, beyond simply being better for the planet, because it helps your business due to increased efficiency, then check this article out here:

E-waste management is the first on the list under ‘Characteristics and examples of green data centers’ in the article and this is exactly where ICEX GROUP’s expertise lies. We are on a mission to reduce, and ideally eventually completely stop any E-waste going to landfill. Nothing we process at our facilities goes to landfill.

We all know E-waste is bad, but do we know how bad? The amount is bad but the more terrible thing about E-waste is the chemicals it leaches into the environment when landfilled. In US landfills, the EPA found that E-waste contributed 2% of total weight of landfilled material but from this comes 70% of toxic/hazardous waste!

ICEX GROUP are a Zero waste initiative - where we always avoid landfill, and our worst case scenario, is that equipment is stripped for parts and each material is recycled appropriately.

Another good read if the topic interests you is the article here:

The article states: “Data centers generate significant electronic waste (E-waste) from outdated or broken hardware. Proper waste management practices are essential to minimize the environmental impact of this E-waste. Recycling programs and lifecycle management of IT equipment can help ensure that materials are reused or disposed of responsibly.

“Zero waste initiatives aim to divert all waste from landfills through recycling, reusing, and reducing waste production. Implementing such programs requires collaboration between data center operators, suppliers, and customers.”

For a conversation about helping your server management be as sustainable as possible, contact the ICEX GROUP team today:


📞 01376 503900

ICEX GROUP’s mission is to securely revive or relocate, and if necessary, recycle all our clients’ technology assets, to help achieve digital equality, and reduce E-waste to landfill.


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