Our mission is to securely revive or relocate, and if necessary, recycle all our clients’ technology assets, to help achieve digital equality, and reduce E-waste to landfill.
Our White Papers. Written to help make your organisation’s IT more sustainable …
Making the economy more circular is a global problem; we provide a global solution to make organisations more sustainable.

We’ve been supporting IT teams in organisations across the UK, Europe and the World for over 20 years, helping them make IT assets more sustainable.
Supply Your IT Asset List
Click here if you have already identified the IT Assets you need securely processing or moving
Consultation Booking
Click here if you want to talk with us about how to optimise your IT Estate in a way that improves your ESG
Our Solutions
Click here to see details of our key services for large organisations
Due Diligence
Click here to learn about our accreditations

Help us to Protect the Environment From E-Waste: Introduce us to your contacts, and for every new client we win, we'll give £100 to a charity of your choice.
ICEX GROUP is a leader in secure IT asset lifecycle management, dedicated to helping organisations and IT service providers reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and enhance their ESG credentials*
*In other words we endeavour to do what’s right for people, planet, and prosperity.
From our headquarters in the UK, we support clients across Europe, the USA and Asia with our network of partners across the world.
We have two core services: ICEX REVIVAL and ICEX RELOCATION
We help make Data Centres and Server Rooms more sustainable
One of our core specialities is secure data handling because we know how mission-critical that is for Corporate IT Departments.
Server Rooms are a huge data liability and therefore we are a solution for organisations looking to upgrade their servers, relocate their servers or move to the cloud. We also help clients to securely and responsibly process their old servers with secure data handling.
We adhere to internationally accredited standards, such as the UK Government’s HMG Infosec 5 Higher Standard. This protects your organisation, your people and your clients. If required, as a last resort, we perform Hard Drive Shredding.
We have ISO 27001 accreditation - ISO 27001 is the international standard that focuses on organisations ensuring information assets are secured. ISO 27001 demonstrates our credibility in providing a systematic and proactive approach to keeping clients’ sensitive information and data secure.
We are a Blancco Partner and use Blancco software to ensure all data wipes are done to globally accepted standards.
We use GPS-tracked vehicles, with our IT team who are security-cleared with background checks by our external accreditation agency.
You will be provided with certification of the completed job.
Our 3-point promise is:
We always endeavour to cover our costs with the residual value still left in the redundant IT equipment we collect from your organisation. As a general rule, newer servers, laptops and PCs have the best residual value. The quicker we get them, the more likelihood of a higher residual value.
When there is exceptional value left in the IT equipment, we may be able to return some of that value back to you or donate it to a charity of your choice. Alternatively, you can choose to donate it to our charity of the year, Partners Relief & Development.
On occasions when there is insufficient value in the IT equipment to cover our costs, we will apply whatever value there is to discount any invoice that you receive from us.
ICEX GROUP’s Charity of The Year: Community TechAid
We love hearing what Community TechAid do. This is what they say:
“Our goal is to provide our community with the three fundamentals of digital inclusion: access to technology, connectivity and the knowledge and skills to access the online world. We gather donated laptops, tablets and smartphones, wipe the data and refurbish them, and return them to use by giving them to those in need.”
We've been working with major UK Universities for several years delivering our ICEX REVIVAL & RELOCATION services.
The outcomes of our work from just one of our University clients:
Logistical scale - total number of IT assets collected by ICEX GROUP from the University so far: 6,000+
Carbon reduction - we reduced the University’s carbon footprint by reducing the need to manufacture new equipment - 78% of assets were reused.
Improving Digital Equality - many assets are being used by people buying second-hand at a more affordable price than buying new.
Nothing to landfill - the rest of the equipment was recycled with 0% going to landfill, helping the University be more sustainable.
Rebates - we returned many thousand of £ in 2023, boosting budgets for the University.
We are partners with the UN Global Compact to help large organisations to improve their ESG
The UN’s SDGs are laid out as a framework for what we need to target in order to make the future better for everyone.
E-waste is the fastest-growing stream of waste facing our planet today and is predicted to continue growing. It is expected to reach 70 megatons per year by 2030. This is a tragically high level - with as much as 85% of this going to landfill!
Reducing E-waste is good for the environment and also good for social and governance initiatives. We help get technology back into society, at a more affordable level, with our reuse programme. Having good company policies for reducing your organisation's E-waste impact shows good governance.
At ICEX GROUP, 0% of the technologies we process go to landfill! We either reuse, repurpose or recycle where necessary.
So, if you want to improve your ESG reporting then reach out to us today for a chat about how we can help your technology assets either be reused or responsibly and correctly recycled.
Here are 3 reasons to take action now:
Environmental Responsibility
Reusing and Recycling helps prevent harmful E-waste and reduces adverse environmental impact.
Data Security
We use military-grade data-wiping software to keep your sensitive information safe.
Budget Responsibility
When there is enough value left in your organisation's redundant IT equipment, we offset that against collection costs. This means our collection service can be free and we may even be able to provide a rebate.
Our vision is to be the most sustainable technology asset revival company in Britain
Our vision for ICEX GROUP is to be the most sustainable IT Asset Partner for large organisations. We’re striving to make a better world. A world where no technology assets ever get wasted and everyone has access to affordable technology. A world where technology assets are reused as much as possible, and when new assets are needed, they’re always sustainable. Only when they’ve reached the end of their life, and as a last resort, do they get recycled. And absolutely nothing goes to landfill.
We’d love to work with your organisation to improve your ESG impact.
Why we prefer to be a STARR rather than an ITAD.
The generic industry term for companies that handle IT Assets after they are no longer needed is ITAD - IT Asset Disposal/Disposition company. But we don't like the word ‘disposal’ due to its implications of ‘just getting rid of’. That’s why we position ourselves as a STARR - a Secure Technology Asset Revival & Relocation company.